The Stoplist

Choir (manual I, expressive, 1937 Frazee, EP Unit Action, 4 ranks plus chimes)

8' Gemshorn
8' Gemshorn Celeste (TC)
8' Concert Flute (spotted metal, harmonic)
4' Gemshorn Octave (ext)
4' Harmonic Flute (ext)
2 2/3' Nasard (from gemshorn)
2' Piccolo (from gemshorn)
8' Clarinet
Chimes (G2 to G4)
Valve Tremolo
Couplers: 16, 4, Unison Off

Great (manual II, unenclosed, Slider chests and pipework are 1900 Woodberry, EP Pulldown action is 1937 Frazee. All stops full compass.)
8' Diapason
8' Dulciana
8' Melodia
4' Octave
4' Flute D'Amore
Grave Mixture II (would have been separated as twelfth and fifteenth before 1937)
8' Trumpet
Couplers: Swell 16, 8, 4, Choir 16, 8, 4, Great 16, 4

Swell (manual III, expressive, Slider chests and pipework are 1900 Woodberry, EP Pulldown action is 1937 Frazee. All stops full compass.)

16' Bourdon
8' Violin Diapason
8' Salicional
8' Aeoline
8' Stopped Diapason
4' Violina
4' Flute Harmonique
Dolce Cornet III
8' Oboe (plus 12 note extension on offset chest by Frazee, for use with octave coupler. Two other swell stops have this treatment but did not take note of which ones.)
Valve Tremolo
Couplers: 16, 4, unison off

Pedal (Two ranks, presumably both 1900 Woodberry with 1937 Frazee extensions. Frazee EP unit chests)

16' Open Diapason (Big ol' Open Wood in great condition!)
16' Bourdon
8' Octave (ext)
8' Gross Flute (ext of Bourdon)
8' Dolce Flute (from choir concert flute)
4' Flute (from choir concert flute)
Couplers: Great 8, Swell 8, Choir 8

--1937 Frazee, 3 manual and pedal
--Pistons: Divisionals only: choir 4 thumb pistons; great 4 thumb pistons; swell 6 thumb pistons; pedal 4 thumb pistons; general cancel; sforzando toe stud; one spoon not currently functioning, probably great-to-pedal reversible.
--Choir expression shoe, Swell expression shoe, Crescendo shoe
--Control system is pneumatic gang contacts.

--Organ is in a chamber at front of church and speaks through 3 window-shaped openings with thick (and dirty) grill cloth. Would benefit greatly from a newer thinner weave.
--Original 1900 Woodberry organ was in previous 1900 building on same site in a corner chamber with a simple facade of speaking diapason basses. Frazee retained these but they are now hidden in the chamber on an offset chest.
--Choir expression very effective, but swell has original Woodberry shades retrofitted with individual pouch actions and opens only 45 degrees directing sound toward a side wall of the chamber, blocking most sound whether open or closed. Will likely remove shades until more suitable ones can be constructed or current ones modified to open opposite direction.
--Each of the 4 divisions has its own regulator, but there is no static regulator nor return line to basement blower.
--Reisner chest magnets for all key, stop, and expression actions


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